Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Stage are You at?

Many years ago, researchers DiClemente and Prochaska identified the five stages a person typically goes through in overcoming problem behavior such as smoking, overeating and problem drinking. The stages are as follows:

·        Precontemplation: Not considering making a change.
·        Contemplation: Considering the possibility of making a change; possibly somewhat undecided.
·        Determination: Preparing to take serious action to make the change in the near future.
·        Action: They have a plan and are implementing it.
·        Maintenance: Less danger of returning to previous behavior, although there may at times be slips.
·        Termination: No longer tempted or afraid of the behavior.

For you to have picked up this book, you aren’t in the precontemplation stage. You are evidently already at least in contemplation. The questions in this book are designed to help you to move from contemplation to determination. Once you are there, you will find suggestions on how to move on to the action stage in my other book Porn Escape: Confidently Walk Free from the Prison of Pornography.

So, please, don’t die contemplating! Use this book to help you move from contemplation to determination. Make the change. Stand up and fight! Make the determination that you will never again torment yourself with the defeatist victim mentality of the porn addict. You have the potential to be living an entirely porn-free life this time next year. Studying this book is your first step.

The above is an extract from my FREE BOOK, War on Porn, which you can download from the following sites:

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